
5 Marketing Tasks to do for 2020 and Beyond

Collect & Analyze the right DATA Spend money on the right WEBSITE Expand your brand properly with SOCIAL MEDIA Review your PPC/Google Ad spend Collect customer information It’s about both NOW and the FUTURE. Collect/Analyze Data Step one of number one is to collect data.  Even if you don’t know what data is the most…

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Ask the RIGHT questions in order to better determine your marketing ROI
Ask The RIGHT Questions

When I was at Trader, one of my tasks was to be on the conference call during a client’s SEO review.  To this day I’m not 100% why I was on those calls.  I guess it was to be a known voice on the call to make them feel comfortable that it wasn’t just some…

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Dealer Spike NPV migration issues - part 2
Dealer Spike website migration story Part 2

Having been at Trader for almost 10 years and having to represent the website platform that was sold there was… taxing to say the least.  Overly expensive, second rate technology, non-category specific offerings, expensive creative options, sloooow customer service, no OEM feeds and overall lack of flexibility, all made my job difficult.  More than once…

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Saving $20k in Marketing Spend

Marketing is sometimes a tough gig to prove its value.  The customer journey is so convoluted today that it is almost impossible to 100% accurately attribute what is working and what isn’t. That being said, I recently saved a customer $19800 for the upcoming 2019 year by doing these two simple things. Tracking & Analyzing…

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