
New AccSite NPV dealership website platform launching June 2020
Save Money-More Impact Post-COVID-19

It is what it is so just calm the H down and get prepared for life post-COVID-19… TODAY. Get to work on the 5 Marketing Tasks I previously outlined OR at least arm yourself with knowledge. One HUGE piece of knowledge you should be made aware of pertains to your WEBSITE (point #2 of the…

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autoTRADER NPV prices going up early 2019
Ready for your autoTRADER NPV rate-up?

autoTRADER NPV Rates Are Going UP Are you ready for your 2019 rate-up? A couple weeks ago I met with an NPV rep and the guy who has my old OSC (Online Strategy Consultant) role (at a later date I’ll discuss how the way this role is positioned internally now is quite different from how…

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Mark Dawson - Smarter Business Solutions - real-world approach to digital marketing & ROI
Mark Dawson is bringing his marketing experience to the masses

Oh what I’ve seen!!  9 years at autoTRADER, 5 of those in the non-passenger vehicle (NPV) arm of things (one of the original department members) and from there just shy of 5 years as a Online Strategy Consultant (OSC) where theoretically I was supposed to assist dealers in getting better with regards to their digital…

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Marketing Tips & Advice

Through my Smarter Business Solutions marketing blog for small business, I will try to keep you apprised of the latest things in the online marketing industry so that not only can you be better informed on where to potentially focus your efforts, but to also make sure that if you don’t have the ability, time or knowledge…

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